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Fence Washing

Bring back the vibrancy of your fence with a thorough cleaning that removes dirt, mildew, and restores its original luster.

Fence Cleaning: Restore the Luster of Your Columbus Fences

Is your fence looking dull and weathered? Our fence washing service brings back the vibrancy of your Columbus, Ohio property. We use safe and effective methods to remove dirt, grime, mildew, and even stubborn stains, leaving your fence looking refreshed and protected.

Here's what's included in our fence cleaning service:

  • Pre-Cleaning Inspection: A skilled technician will thoroughly inspect your fence to identify the material (vinyl, wood, etc.) and any areas requiring special attention, such as loose paint or delicate finishes.

  • Plant and Shrub Protection: We take meticulous care to ensure your landscaping is safeguarded throughout the cleaning process. We carefully pre-rinse nearby grass, plants and shrubs to prevent damage from cleaning solutions and overspray.

  • Specialized Cleaning Solutions: We use eco-friendly cleaning solutions specifically formulated for the type of fence you have (vinyl, wood, etc.). These solutions effectively remove dirt, grime, and stains without harming the fence material.

  • Soft Brush Scrubbing (as needed): For certain fences, our technicians will use soft brushes with specifically chosen bristles to gently scrub away stubborn dirt and grime, restoring the natural beauty of the wood.

  • Final Rinse and Inspection: We'll complete the process with a thorough rinse to remove any cleaning solution residue and leave your fence sparkling clean. We will also re-rinse the surrounding grass and plant life to protect them from the cleaning solution. Following the rinse, a technician will conduct a final inspection with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Enhance Your Curb Appeal and Property Value

A clean fence not only improves the aesthetics of your Columbus area property but also adds to its overall value. Our standard fence cleaning service is a  cost-effective way to refresh your outdoor space and enhance your curb appeal.

Contact us today for a free quote and let our experienced professionals take care of the cleaning!

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